vineri, 5 iunie 2009

One year

I guess u saw my pic as Geisha by u probably understand my new job. I can't say I like it, even though it's kind of fun maybe. My life has changed this time and looks like still changing, I wake up, I eat sometimes, I go to gym 2h, I go downtown, I have coffee and talk to some stranger too curious about me, I go to work sometimes, Itry to read our mails and try to figure out what to do,,,sometimes I am tired and wanna run so nobody can find me, sometimes I think I was lucky to have you, sometimes I wonder about Kit, if she feels the same, and if so, I feel sorry for her, I try to live and breath and manage my sorrow days, I am afraid that my family will get sick or die and I am not there., I watch TV and every news about Taiwan I need to be translated for me. I look at the ski and pretend you watch it in the same time and we are having fun and laugh about the stars and see how they look like a rabbit,,,I loved you with all my heart and soul,, I still do and I know I can never get you out of my heart, even if I wish to, or need to, or have to, nothing can compare to you and what we had those few months. Dark happy aniversary my love.

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