duminică, 1 februarie 2009

I believe

Sometimes I think I am good, sometimes that I bad, sometimes that I am beautiful, sometimes that I am ugly. It’s normal maybe because human mind is changing every second. I got to know some facts long time ago and other facts recently. I lived under the impression I couldn’t get what I want and that what I have is not enough. Being loved is not hard but not easy either. Being with you was sometimes hard and sometimes easy. Distance can make you forget things, can make you mistake some and can make you believe in something that is not there. How you know if it’s the real thing? Maybe you don’t. All you have is faith. This is all that is left. I believe in you and I believe this is love. I won’t lie, sometimes I thought it’s not and maybe I am wrong…just a crush that will finish…I want to believe this is the real thing. Not more not less, not further, not closer. My love is here and now and this much. Never again and never before. Not like this…

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