miercuri, 25 martie 2009


He's a red pair of running shoes
A Levis pair of jeans
He looks great in cheap sunglasses
He looks great in anything
He's all in a piece of chocolate
He’s even a great movie
He's sweet just in underwear
Even if he’s moody
He's a love scene on the roof
With the wind blowing
He's a soft place to land
And a good feeling knowing
He's a warm conversation
That I wouldn't miss for nothing
He's a fighter when he's mad
And he's a lover when he's loving
He's a Saturday out on the town
And a coffee guy on Sunday
He's a cross around my neck
And a smile on a Monday
He's a bubble bath and candles
He’s there whatever happens
He's a one glass of wine
That makes u feel fine
He's the giver I wish I could be
My right side and my sunshine
He's a picture in my wallet
Of my unborn children's father
He's the hand that I'm holding
When I'm on my knees and praying
He's the answer to my prayer
And he's the song that I'm playing
He's the voice I love to hear
Someday when I'm ninety
He's that wooden noisy chair
I want bouncing right beside me
And he's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
He's everything to me…

miercuri, 18 martie 2009

Life is a dream

Life is nothing but a DREAM;there are good and bad chapters.It's easy, go on dreaming when it's good;when it's bad, wake up!That's how Life works...Go on living; be happy and live good!But when you stumble,stand up and forget 'bout that fall!So, keep on DREAMING, keep on LIVING!

marți, 17 martie 2009

Once in a lifetime

It's easy to like someone and find someone to love you...Infact, loving someone can be learned thru time.But no one can replace the love that God has put into our hearts; a love that can only be understood over time... A love that is tested through storm and fire!A love that will not fail but will always prevail...A love that even the mind might forget but is encrypted within our hearts; which she (the heart) will cry out forever... That love, yes that one in a million kind of love that people don't realize is called "destined love"!We can forget and replace other kinds of love; but in time we will realize that "destined love" can never be replaced and happens once in a lifetime...

miercuri, 4 martie 2009


Is love a drug? Smoking is. So how come we can’t quit smoking but we can quit love? We quit love, we pushed her away, we ignore her, we run away from her. Why we can’t do same with smoking?
Are we really not addicted to love? When we meet the person we feel it’s the one, we love him/her…but all to and end. People smoke most of their lives, some even die smoking. Why we can’t do same with love? Why we have the power to say NO to love when smoking doesn’t ever stop?
They say you can’t give up smoking because you don’t want to, you are unable or that you don’t have a good reason. Can we add these reasons to love? We are all inside weak and what gives us power is the illusion that love is not main, and that is just …an add, a supply, a bonus. We never give credit to love until you realize she is the one keeping us alive. We are born from love, even if mom and dad don’t or didn’t realize. We are raised by some other humans with and from love. We grow up and we find love by ourselves. Living life and recognizing in your heart that every day deserves living and loving will make in some way to fear no more death. If you loved and you felt loved no point in being afraid to die. This is our porpoise, this is why we came to life-to love.
I can’t realize a whole life smoking but more than that a life without love.
We are addicted to them, me , I am addicted to love and cigarette.
Which one is worse? Which one does more harm? Which provokes you more?
Cigarette, a cake in a dream makes you forget stress, disillusions, sadness…even that you loved someday.
But what if we loved more? Wouldn’t this make us quit smoking? If you love and are loved, if you are happy and make somebody happy what is left to erase? To delete? To forget ? NOTHING.
Love makes you quit smoking. This is the cure and I am it’s founder.

luni, 2 martie 2009

There was once a boy with a very bad temper. His father gave him one day a little bag with nails and told him every time he gets angry or fights with somebody to put a nail in the door.
First day he put 37 nails. Everyday, though the number of nails was digressing. He found out that it was easier to control himself, then to beat nails in the door.
Finally came the day no nail needed to be put in the door. Happy he went to his father and told him he didn’t loose his temper or fight with somebody and that day he didn’t put any nails. His father told him then to pull out a nail everyday he doesn’t fight at all. Some weeks have passed and the boy pulled out all the nails. Happier than before the boy ran to his dad to tell him.
His father walked with him to the door and told him: ”My son, you did good but look at all this wholes. It will never be the same. When you say something bad to somebody you leave a wound. No matter how sorry you feel inside his/her heart you already beat a nail. Controlling yourself is the most important.”

Forgive me for every bad word I said and for every nail I put in your heart. Things can never be same again but I will try to stop hurting you my love.


we still make memeories of us with us,,,for us.
don't ever stop...
i'm gonna love u like nobody loves you....