vineri, 26 iunie 2009

Happy birthday to us

Tomorrow it comes a year since our first date with Jerry. Maybe not first date you and me but more important in some ways. We got to sit next to each other and take pic and listen to Jerry making fun of us. Being next to you made my heart jump and my blood boil with desire. Rainy always for us, trying to control my words and my actions, the sweet taste of love.
Tonight I won't be alone but you know that doesn't mean I'm not lonely...good words but paintful, the one who wrote them...I can understand what he felt.

"Oceans apart, day after day, and I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesnt stop the pain..."
This song just came to my mind,,,

Too many words unspoken and too fast we were taken apart
Too little have I showen you and too much I took away
I'm beging your forgivness for all the suffer I caused you and still.

Nothing more, just Happy BIRTHday the days with you made me fell being BIRTH once again.

Forever love you in my heart.

vineri, 5 iunie 2009

One year

I guess u saw my pic as Geisha by u probably understand my new job. I can't say I like it, even though it's kind of fun maybe. My life has changed this time and looks like still changing, I wake up, I eat sometimes, I go to gym 2h, I go downtown, I have coffee and talk to some stranger too curious about me, I go to work sometimes, Itry to read our mails and try to figure out what to do,,,sometimes I am tired and wanna run so nobody can find me, sometimes I think I was lucky to have you, sometimes I wonder about Kit, if she feels the same, and if so, I feel sorry for her, I try to live and breath and manage my sorrow days, I am afraid that my family will get sick or die and I am not there., I watch TV and every news about Taiwan I need to be translated for me. I look at the ski and pretend you watch it in the same time and we are having fun and laugh about the stars and see how they look like a rabbit,,,I loved you with all my heart and soul,, I still do and I know I can never get you out of my heart, even if I wish to, or need to, or have to, nothing can compare to you and what we had those few months. Dark happy aniversary my love.